Attestation – Employment Contract
According to the Act of Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign employment, every employment contract should be registered with the Bureau of Sri Lanka Missions abroad.
1. Requirements & Instructions for Domestic Employees
- Duly printed Employment Contract should be submitted to the Embassy of Sri Lanka along with a copy of the Employment Visa (English translation)
- Copy of the valid Passport of the job seeker (Employee)
- Copy of the Identity Card of Employer/Sponsor (Qatar Identity Card – QID)
- Copy of QID and contact number of the person who sponsored to submit the said document to the Sri Lankan Embassy in the State of Qatar.
- Minimum age limit for the Female domestic employee is 21 years.
2. Requirements & Instructions for Non -Domestic Employees
- Duly printed 2 copies of Employment Contract on Company Letterhead
- Company Registration Copy
- Computer Card Copy (Establishment Card)
- Municipality Registration Copy (Baladiya )
- Copy of the Employee Visa
- Copy of the valid Passport of the Employee
- Copy of the Sponsor QID(Qatar Identity Card – QID)
3. Fees
- Registration Fee for Domestic female Employment Contact – QAR 5,695/=
- The employer should pay the insurance for female domestic employees. Please log in to the website
( for more information. - Registation Fee for Non- Domestic Employment Contact / Domestic Male Employment contact -QAR 220/=
As per the circular No. 08/2021 dated 29.12.2021 issued by Chairman/SLBFE , security deposit is applicable for the female domestic employees who are not recruited by a Recruitment Agency.